Here we are back in the big city, in a small apartment and getting ready to do day trips again. We went to the tourist info centre and our agent has been in Vancouver many times, most recently this past winter, in Whistler. She hopes to come for the Winter Olympics. We ask for info about Noh Theatre, Baseball games, museums and trips to places nearby. We went on the highest Ferris Wheel ever and not only got a spectacular view of Osaka but also this message in translation at the very top: "We hope you enjoy your walk in space." (Hope not)

We also went to a beautiful park with animal and flower sculptures.

On a street walk, we ran into a Kentucky Samurai.

We took a day trip to Kobe and visited the Fashion Museum. Have a look at that write up on: clotheslinefinds.blogspot.com
Haha, your gnome sure gets around.